Long weekend goals

by Carlisle Homes

Long weekend goals

There is good news ahead! We’ve made it through the first few weeks of the new year and it is time for a reward. A public holiday is in order so bring on the 3-day weekend!

We all have different plans in mind for this day, whether you have people visiting, plans for an improvement project, focusing on some ‘me-time’ or getting the kidlets ready for school, we have some innovative tips to help you to achieve your #LongWeekendGoals.

The Entertainer
A BBQ is an iconic option for Australia Day, but keep in mind the hot weather forecast this week and the chance of a total fire ban in your area. Be organised and have drinks in the esky early so that they are ice cold when guests arrive. A fruit platter is also a must for Australia Day, it’s in season, it’s colourful and it’s the perfect solution for a hot afternoon.

The DIYer
Time to get your new year’s resolutions into action and attack that home to-do list. If you’ve had a continuous flow of guests over the festive season, it may be time to get some tidiness into your storage areas. Instilling some linen cupboard order is always satisfying and a great way to start the year off with a fresh approach. Perhaps you’ve been inspired by some homely arts and crafts, and have ideas to turn the 3-day weekend into a creative workshop, we’ve got some great ideas to get you started (read more).

The Indulgent
For some, January can be exhausting- maybe a busy time at work, or managing school holiday activities. It’s time to relax this weekend and enjoy some pampering to re-charge and be ready to embrace the year ahead. Organise a massage therapist to come to you, and turn your master suite into your very own home spa. You won’t have to worry about organising babysitters for the kids and you can spend the whole day in your ‘lounge-wear’.

The school starter
The last week in January also symbolises the end to the summer holidays and for some, the first day of school. If this coming weekend is already tied up with searching for school shoes, cleaning out school bags and booking in haircuts, it’s nice to take the time to do something as a family to kick off the new year. Escape the heat with a visit to the movies or a cook up a storm with family breakfast at home. Savour the last weekend before 2018 gets serious.

The house hunter
Carlisle Homes display centres are open this whole Australia Day long weekend. Take advantage of the extra day off to visit our award winning display homes and start your new home building journey. 

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